It’s so easy in life for us to receive blessings, many of them almost uncounted, and have things happen in our lives

that can help change our lives, improve our lives, and bring the Spirit into our lives.

But we sometimes take them for granted.

How grateful we should be for all have been brought into our hearts and souls.

I would remind all of you that if we’re ever going to show gratitude properly to our Heavenly Father, we should do


with all of our heart, might, mind, and strength—because it was He who gave us life and breath"

David B. Haight

Friday, April 30, 2010

Payback can be fun!

This blog has certainly served a few functions since it's inception. Currently the blog is serving to assit Meghan with memory recall. Each morning I ask her what she can remember from the prior day. Then we look at the blog (and read all the comments) and her brain is able to retrieve these memories. So forgive me if I post a few pictures--it really helps Meghan.
As a part of Cognition Group today, the kids went to a health fair, sponsored by MGH. This booth was our favorite: The surgical team......

Having been the patient 5 times here at MGH, it was time for Meghan to actually perform the surgery. This young patient needs an appendectomy and Meghan is ready with the scalpel.
Now Meghan is removing the appendictis. Uh Meghan, shouldn't you be looking at your patient? I think you have the liver instead!
Next we moved on to the beehive to see how honey is produced.

Meghan's motto

Now onto "Healing Arts": Making patterns with paint on a coffee filter.

At Proton Beam, every Friday is "Gift Friday" and the kids get to choose a gift. Every Friday Meghan choses the same gift--a Barnes and Nobles gift certificate for books. This room is the "Super Siblings Room", so she is trying to choose something for Cameron and Brianna.
We went back to our favorite Thai restaurant for dinner, and then to the Ronald McDonald House for another game of Phase 10. For the 3rd night in a row, Meghan was the champion. Grandad, the analytical, card counting, and strategic gamer, rarely experiences defeat. And yes, we played sympathy assists. Games are serious business in my family.
A dinner had been brought into the Ronald McDonald House by a group of local volunteers. The Boston community is incredibly supportive and people are constantly stopping by to serve, cook, clean or donate something. It is a surprising uplifting environment considering the emotional turmoil that most families are enduring. Trust me, we are one of the happier stories!


  1. Helena: We LOVE the pictures! Love that Meghan got the chance to be the surgeon instead of the patient. She can probably perform procedures with her eyes closed at this point!

    Keep on hanging in there!

    Krista, Kat and the Bellings

  2. Great pictures, Helena. We love to see them.
    So glad Meghan was champ again. Grandad must be slipping!! Only 4 more treatments to go - what great news. Keep that car going forward Meghan, By the way what sort of car would it be? I imagine you in a little pink mini cooper. How cool would that be.
    In our thoughts and prayers as always. Keep smiling, nearly there now.
    Lots of love
    Judi & Colin xxx

  3. Megal,
    Dr. Meghan....yea you grabbed the wrong organ.... I think we are losing the patient!! Static stat!Get Dr. Mallory quick!! i DONT want you to be my surgeon.
    And i love the pictures (since i cant read the medical talk and when mallory tries to explain them to me i zone out..)And.... ART CAN BE FUN SO ADMIT IT!!! hahaha

    ps motto: bee happy
    Meghan Kleinlein

    pps: i commented before mallory :P hahahaha nnanannananana!

  4. I am glad i do not have to play Phase 10 with you Meg, i lose enough around her! JK

    4 treatments left--yay!


  5. I always love seeing the photos, Helena! Have a good weekend, Meghan! Our family sends you our love!

  6. Hey Meg!
    I only read the blog and I only half of the time (sometimes less) understand the medical talk (I only talk about it to feel professional).

    Your motto describes you. Your always so smiley and chipper. If I were in your shoes I would probably be screaming and then, find myself on my knees praying but as usual you were one step ahead you were praying before you were pushed down.

    I would pick the barnes and nobles giftcard too!


  7. Hey Meghan!
    I've missed you, but I love the pictures. It's a cool touch to your awesome blog.

    "Bee Happy" (your motto)-
    Lauren Scanio

  8. No offense, but even with her newfound "experience" I'm not sure I'd want Meghan doing surgery on me right now.

    J Lahti

  9. Great Pics! We love them! It helps the kids to be praying specifically with all your details. Thanks so much for keeping us up to speed. We are so excited that the treatments are almost done. And excited to hear good reports from them!! Praying in Faith!
    Geordie, Jordan, Caleb & Luke... and the EHSG Gang!!

  10. Meghan and family - FYI - our local Clarence Youth Bureau sometimes makes meals for the Buffalo Ronald McDonald House. Caroline has done this 2x! Glad your family is benefiting in Boston! Can't wait to see you in Clarence!
    The Woodwards

  11. Caroline WoodwardMay 3, 2010 at 5:14 PM

    Hi Megan its so good to see you're having fun in Boston! You're so nice... always thinking of others- when ever i check the blog there is always something being said about how Megan is helping and thinking of others!
