It’s so easy in life for us to receive blessings, many of them almost uncounted, and have things happen in our lives

that can help change our lives, improve our lives, and bring the Spirit into our lives.

But we sometimes take them for granted.

How grateful we should be for all have been brought into our hearts and souls.

I would remind all of you that if we’re ever going to show gratitude properly to our Heavenly Father, we should do


with all of our heart, might, mind, and strength—because it was He who gave us life and breath"

David B. Haight

Friday, April 9, 2010

Peaceful at last

A difficult day today: Meghan has been set back neurologically by this surgery. Considering this is her 7th, and most aggressive, brain surgery, I suppose we shouldn't be too surprised. There appears to be some short term memory loss which we are hoping is only temporary. Meghan recalls everything that has happened to her prior to yesterday. She remembers her life, friends, family and activities in Clarence very clearly but she can't remember what she ate for lunch. If either Stephan or I are out of the room, she thinks that we are in Buffalo. Try as hard as we can, the memory struggles to be retained. We can tell her 20 times what just happened, and she can't recall the memory. Dr Butler said that the surgery was pretty traumatic for her brain and he hopes that due to her age, the cells will recover. It makes you realize what an incredible organ the human brain is, and how devastating it is when it is damaged. Yet another request for our prayer list.
Finally, she was able to rest without being woken up every hour for neuro checks.


  1. hello to all this evening,
    As I was reading your blog tonight I was wondering if you could get special permission for either Penny or Bandit to visit Meghan. Our pets have an amazing way of communicating with those that they love and those that love them. They can be a tremendous sorce of communication and therapy. Since the hospital already has therapy dogs that visit maybe this could be considered. What do you think?
    Love and prayers,

  2. Magel,
    hahahaha I posted before Mallory and Riley!!! They r probably stil sleeping cause u no how they need a ton of beauty sleep, just to look ok. Hahahaha :p jk Riley , not so much Mallory. I think this post shoulda had more pictures! Hahahaha I'm srry I'm in a good mood this morning for some reason...... Hey atleast u remember me. Wish u were in buffalo,
    your btmffl,

    Ps motto, "my chiquatas!!!"
    mrs burgher
    ( I don't think I spelled that right)

  3. Meghan,
    The only reason Amber posted before me is that (besides getting my beauty rest) I went to bed at 12:45 last night because I was babysitting for Aunt Joe. Keep on hanging in there and as soon as I can convince my mom I will be there. Cameron and Fred came last night for dinner and behaved horribly you better tell them to shape up. Missing you tons and tons and tons.


  4. Hey Meghan!!
    I miss you sooo much and your great personality! I always love to see your smiling face and hearing your sweet voice! I love having you as a friend and I'm lucky to have you as one! I love you and miss you until infinity and beyond!! ( and yes, i did kinda take that from Buzz Lightyear...the infinity and beyond part, I mean...:)..)

    Kelsey Devine

  5. Hi Meghan! In Social Studies, we are working on a Homespun Era Project. We are cooking, and today we made Johnny Cakes. They were nasty! They reminded me of the juice.
    -Riley Williams and Emily Kong

  6. Meghan,

    I saw a sheet for your blog at the BAC today. I haven't been working been working at the swim club this semester because I'm going to graduate school. I didn't know you were in Boston, till I read the blog. Just wanted to let you know that you and you're family will be in my prayers. I'll ask my students at school to pray too. You have an awesome attitude, stay positive!

    -Coach Mary, Clarence Swim Club

  7. Meghan,
    Hope you recover soon! Best Wishes.
    ~Lauren Scanio
