It’s so easy in life for us to receive blessings, many of them almost uncounted, and have things happen in our lives

that can help change our lives, improve our lives, and bring the Spirit into our lives.

But we sometimes take them for granted.

How grateful we should be for all have been brought into our hearts and souls.

I would remind all of you that if we’re ever going to show gratitude properly to our Heavenly Father, we should do


with all of our heart, might, mind, and strength—because it was He who gave us life and breath"

David B. Haight

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Sorry, no photo today. We left the camera at the Ronald McDonald House and things happened so quickly today that we didn't return to get it.

This morning, the doctors decided that Meghan was doing so well that she was ready to go from the PICU to a regular floor. What great news. The last time we were in the PICU, we stayed there for over 2 weeks. Within 2 hours we were notified, that they had decided that she was well enough to be discharged from the hospital entirely. WOW! Fabulous. One hour later, we were admitted into Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital. Unbelievable! After our Jan/Feb hospital stay, we couldn't get any rehab facility in NY or in PA to accept us. Stephan and I commented, "God must be shutting the wrong doors so we don't inadvertantly go through them." Yet when God wants a door open, it opens quickly. For 6 weeks, nothing has happened for Meghan, and suddenly:

* She gets accepted into a top Proton radiation program that only accepts 20 kids worldwide
* We get the most experienced Proton doctor, Dr Nancy Tarbell, who hand selects a few of those 20 children to personally monitor. (She is now a Dean at Harvard Medical School).
* A pediatric OR opens up for Monday morning, at 3pm on Friday afternoon.
* The head of neurosurgery at MGH agrees to personally perform Meghan's tumor fenestration using a metallic cauterizer--a tool with which he is the most proficient and people come from around the world for his expertise and experience.
* Meghan's brain doesn't bleed after the procedure--very rare
* Meghan heals so quickly that she is released 24 hours after brain surgery.
* She is admitted into a rehab facility, with insurance approval, within 2 hours of the request.

Can there be any doubt that we are in the right place, at the right time, with the right doctors? This is the door that God wanted us to pass through. Yes, it will still be a long road, but finally, we are on the right road. We are sincerely grateful to be led!


  1. Meghan I love the blog! It could only get better if there were more pictures of me and less of Cameron. Please tell him I said that. Mallory

  2. Hansen Family and personal stylistMarch 10, 2010 at 8:50 AM

    I am so happy for your family and Megan!!! Great news!!! Tell Megan we love her and miss your family in our is boring without your family we have found!!haha!! Love ya and you are in our we have any hair to work with haha yes still my concern!

  3. Judi & Colin Mackie, UK
    Meghan, Helena et al
    Great news today! Meghan you are such a very brave young lady, your family are rightfully very proud of you.
    Helena, your Dad gave us the address of this blog - hope you dont mind if we keep an eye to it, and contact from time to time to see how it is all going?
    You are in our thoughts and prayers daily.
    Much love.

  4. Dear Meghan and Helena and
    I am glad that you told the doctors just how you would like things to go this time!! (You have to spell it out for them). Sounds like all the many prayers and fasting are getting through to the One in charge and that He has a mission for Meghan to get on with---and fast! We are so happy for the wonderful progress and look forward to hearing lots of happy blogs as the days progress---though I guess we can't get too demanding that things will go as fast as this latest chapter. The same prayers are still being said though so I would expect the same sort of answers. We love you. Keep up the good work. I will follow along whenever I get to a motel with a computer (we leave for Florida on Monday morning---driving there and back seeing tungsten customers on the way to and from and will arrive back in Buffalo on the 24th to what I am sure will be green lawns and lots of daffodilS!) Love, Grandma Diane

  5. Oh Miss Meghan, what wonderful news!! Mrs. Stege, Ms. Cole and myself have been cheering as we read all this good news coming your way. We miss your sweet face in the halls of Clarence Middle School, but can't be happier that you are in such good hands. Lots of love and positive thoughts from all of us in the 7th grade house.
    Love, Miss Coggins

  6. We pray for you constantly...
    No doubt that "he/she" is guiding you and letting you rest from the decisions.

    sooooo much love
