It’s so easy in life for us to receive blessings, many of them almost uncounted, and have things happen in our lives

that can help change our lives, improve our lives, and bring the Spirit into our lives.

But we sometimes take them for granted.

How grateful we should be for all have been brought into our hearts and souls.

I would remind all of you that if we’re ever going to show gratitude properly to our Heavenly Father, we should do


with all of our heart, might, mind, and strength—because it was He who gave us life and breath"

David B. Haight

Monday, March 29, 2010

Music Therapy

After arriving in the ER at 2:00pm on Sunday, we finally get to a room at 9pm. Seeing as Meghan had meningitis just 10 days ago, they put us in a room with "Precautions". This means that she might have something infectious so she is not allowed a roommate (Yeah) but she is also not allowed out of the room (Bummer). After lunch, some brave souls decided to venture into our room.....they are music therapists. I was skeptical as I assumed that they would come in, play songs for Meghan and leave. Boy was I wrong!
Laurie, the music therapist and her students spent about 30 minutes with us. They provided a variety of instruments so that Meghan could accompany them while they played the songs. Here Megs is playing the Glockenspiel. They encouraged her to use her left hand, or at least have the right hand support the left hand. It was great as she really tried hard to keep leftie in time with the music. Music is such a great motivator and it helped Meghan to push through fatigue to keep beat with the music.
Next she chose to play the drums while David played the guitar. They had a special drumstick that was weighted more at the end--especially for kids who were re-learning motor skills. Meghan was pretty successful with the left hand using this tool. How can there be such wonderful therapies out there that we don't know about? For Meghan's disabilities, music therapy is motivating and productive.
When they realized that Meghan only uses one vocal tone, they began encouraging her to sing along with them, varying the pitch as they went. I feel that for Meghan, encouraging her to reach different pitches within music would be a powerful tool in helping her tone return. Meghan really enjoyed herself and we will be seeking out Laurie and her music therapists during Proton radiation.
Finally, at 6:30pm, Meghan was taken into surgery (30 hours after being admitted to the ER.) To the surprise of everyone, she refused anesthesia and opted for a local only. She detests the grogginess and side effects of full anesthesia, and she convinced the doctors that she would lie completely still during the procedure. They told me that if Meghan showed any signs of anxiety for fear, they could put her out within seconds. I knew then that Meghan would be fine as she has not shown any fear or anxiety this far. Sure enough, she got to skip the recovery room and she came immediately to the room--asking for a burrito and grapes (she hadn't eaten in 24 hours).
Dr Butler explained that because of steroids, Meghan's incision had developed scar tissue but the scar tissue had not adhered together, so the CSF could leak out. So he cut away the scar tissue and sewed up fresh tissue. Our new prayer request is that the new incision will heal together completely without infection or leakage!


  1. hey meghan -
    that music therapist sounds awesome! I would be terrible at trying to play the glockenspiel with my left hand, you go girl. do I see a special musical number in sacrament meeting from you in the near future? I am a child of God on the glock? I can see it!

    things in buffalo are fine... we've had LOTS of grey, gloomy weather & it's been pretty chilly - but today we saw sunshine for a little while, & I think we busted the upper40s, which felt like a big blessing. funny how you (I) really start to appreciate the sunshine SOOOOOOOO much after so many grey, cloudy days. how's the weather where you are?

    WOW YOU ARE SO BRAVE & STRONG to have surgery under local Ax only & not general. do you want to have my next baby for me??? haha, you must be one tough girl. and asking for a burrito & grapes right after! I love it. that sounds like me right after having a baby - I'm like "ok, can I eat now? where's the lunch menu? I'm starved!!"

    we pray for you & your whole family all the time. GO HEALING/NO LEAKAGE. GO MEGHAN & GOOOOOOOOO KLEINLEIN FAM.

    now get some sleep. shame on you if you are up this late/early reading this. let's get to bed, shall we? goodnight, beautiful!

    -the hassell's

  2. Hey meg!
    Its lucky i wasent there if the music theripists had asked me to sing... well lets just say it probably wouldnt have been good.(jk)

    Maddie says hi,


  3. Hey Meggie,

    You are so brave! Tell your mom I said you deserve a really special treat ... and that doesn't mean a glass of seaweed with a couple of blueberries!


  4. Hi Meghan! I love to read these good-news blogs! Keep them coming! You're not missing anything here - the pretty snow is gone and spring hasn't started yet. I'm thinking of you and your mom every day. Take care, Lori from FP

  5. Hi Meghan! Science today wasn't the same without u. Amber, Claudie, and I did some group work, buy I wish I were there 2;) -Rileyy

  6. No Anesthesia?? You are so amazingly brave! I whine when I get put in the dental chair lol! Music therapy looks wonderful! What a great idea and a fun way to brighten the day. We're thinking about you!

  7. Wow Meghan you're so brave! We all miss you and continue to pray!

    Love- Lauren

  8. Music therapy sounds awesome. I love music and know that it can be very powerful. Keep up the singing- I know the choir would love to have you as an addition.
    We love you!
    Happy Tuesday!

  9. Hey megan!!! That guitar thing sounds awesome! In ela today we did this really hard editing thing. I hate the new York state tests! -Jennalea D
